Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & CSR at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) has launched its unique program for training and developing social entrepreneurs.

You will agree that we need more and more social entrepreneurs who can bring positive changes in the lives of the poor people whose daily income is less than one dollar a day. There are many business entrepreneurs who start and manage their business for profiteering and personal gain. This course aims at creating social businesses (as defined by Prof. Muhammad Yunus) which addresses social issues but social entrepreneur is not dependent on government /donor funds.

All those who think that they can change the world because they have willingness to change the world are welcome to join this course. In this course, we will help participant to identify social business wherein self-sustainability, replicability, and scalability is possible. This course also offers most practical four weeks full time on the job training followed by one week ‘on-campus contact session’ at EDI. However, this course is not for adding any educational qualification and only those who start ‘for-profit social enterprise’ after completion of the training will be eligible for the certificate from EDI.

Download the application form from our website , and send it along with demand draf t of Rs.7721/- (for international participant US$772 only) and send us immediately. EDI offers this course twice in a year in every October and April.

Let us together change the world.

Ajay Dixit
Sr. Faculty
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
P.O. Bhat 382 428- Dist. Gandhinagar -Gujarat- India
Mobile :09925008328; Phone: +91 79 23969163, 161, 159; Fax: +91 79 23969164
Email:; Website:
Skype: ajaydixit4

Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.