This Blog is created to promote social awareness, consciousness and commitment amongst general public and tune their thinking and actions to all-encompassing loyalty to our society, our country, our people and indeed to all humanity and to motivate and inspire them to ably, efficiently and whole-heartedly discharge their social duties and national responsibilities.
Remember ME - You Me and Dementia
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A silent revolution has been occurring in the last 100 years - unseen, unheard, and yet so close as people 65 years of age and older have been the fastest growing segment of the different countries around the world.
In a rejoinder to this dramatic demographic trend, it is important to focus on the challenges of ageing in the 21st century. To facilitate their active integration in the life of the society, it requires collaborative efforts, which involves not only the family, but also the community and the Government - Consequently it points to the important fact that different groups of people need to network. Keeping with this, S.V.T. College of Home Science has planned for this International conference on “MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO HEALTHY & PARTICIPATORY AGEING” which is also coinciding with the Golden Jubilee Celebration of S.V.T. College of Home Science.
This conference is aimed at engaging the various sectors of the rural and urban community in a process of reinvesting the concept of ageing and rethinking policy, through an intergenerational, cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary approach. The conference hopes to address the many key questions central to the ageing population by bringing together different professionals engaged in working for the elderly to share their ideas and research findings.
The specific objectives of this conference are manifold:
To review and address the realities and issues related to ageing in the contemporary society.
To create awareness about the needs of the elderly and also appreciate the contribution that older persons make to own societies
To highlight the resources/facilities necessary to deal with the increasing population of the elderly
To identify the innovations enhancing the lives of older people to ensure independence, participation, fulfillment and dignity
To deliberate on the sustainable policies of care for the elderly to ensure that the well-being of elders in need is effectively safeguarded by our society
To strengthen the networking of different governmental and nongovernmental professionals working in this field so that the beneficiary i.e. the elderly in a country can benefit
Another highlight of this International conference would be an “Exhibition on different facets of the elderly” for the public to enhance their awareness of the challenges or concerns related to ageing
Who Should Attend : Professionals from multidisciplinary backgrounds.
Home Scientists
Social scientists
Social workers
Health/Medical professionals
Governmental representatives
Policy maker/Policy implementers
Volunteers/Decision makers in NGO
Human resource professionals
Senior Citizens Associations
Dates to remember :
Last date for registration: 30th December, 2008
Proposal of Oral/Poster Paper Submission : 30th September, 2008
Notification & Confirmation of Acceptance : 30th October, 2008
Final Paper Submission :30th November,2008
ISKCON Auditorium
Hare Krishna Land,
Juhu, Mumbai- 400049
S.V.T College of Home Science
SNDT Women’s University,
Juhu Complex
Participating Organizations
International Longevity Center - India
HelpAge India
Supporting Organizations:
Silver Inning Foundation
MAHPA 2009,
S.V.T. College of Home Science,
S.N.D.T. Women’s University,
Sir Vithaldas Vidyavihar,
Juhu Road, Santacruz (West),
Mumbai , Maharashtra, India
Pin: 400049
Tel: 022-26602504/26608179 ;
Fax: 022-26606427
Website :
Hurry take advantage of Early bird discounts:
Last date for registration: 30th December, 2008
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Aid is good, business is better
Why, then, is Africa still lagging behind the rest of the world on most indicators of development?
The answer, we are told, is that Africa isn't using aid properly. So African governments devote enormous time and energy to discussing, among themselves and with organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank, how to improve the impact of aid
Aid is important for Africa's poorest countries, but we must also address the real reason why growth stalls: The cost of doing business is just too high.
According to the International Finance Corporation, 24 of the 30 countries with the most costly business environment are in sub-Saharan Africa. These costs are seldom borne by consumers. They are shouldered by African businesses and producers.
Circumstances are ripe for a culture of competitiveness to take hold. Private capital flows to sub-Saharan Africa in 2007 were estimated at $50 billion. Increasing interest from investors in China, the Middle East and other parts of Asia toward Africa afford new opportunities to market Africa's unique natural resources in the global marketplace.
African states can reduce costs and lower the hurdles to investment even further once they take charge of their own development and make investments a priority.
No single rule can apply to all African states. But we do not have to reinvent the wheel. The experience of successful small and medium-sized economies elsewhere over the past 30 years has important development lessons for Africa.
First, competitiveness requires government that can establish the framework for investment and step aside to let businesses thrive. In increasing their responsiveness to the private sector and not standing in the way of its success, governments can focus on their own competitive advantages in infrastructure, health and education.
Few countries in Africa have managed to establish and sustain a domestic political consensus around private-sector growth and the often painful reforms necessary to stimulate it. Yet that is exactly what countries that are development successes have done. For example, Costa Rica has increased its per capita economy 250 percent over the past two decades, in going from an agricultural to a high-tech and services base.
This success was built on openness to trade and capital, using one's head and good policy as the principal tools. The same ethos is driving the creation of a diamond sorting and beneficiation center in Botswana, building on the public-private partnership that has seen the country among the fastest growing economies in the world over the last 40 years.
Second, countries must be willing to make a change in mind-set from the idea that foreign programs and plans will lift countries out of poverty to a belief in their own vision for their future. Foreign aid should only temporarily support countries while they implement difficult reforms and get on their feet.
This is not easy. It is true that African governments suffer from a lack of capacity. They struggle to raise taxes and to plan and coordinate activity with investors and donors. But working together, African governments, businesses and external partners can create prosperity and employment on the continent - if they act as partners, not predators.
Third, the international debate on development must be reshaped. At the heart of development is the relationship between governments, their citizens and their own private sector. Yet the international debate on development is by and large still focused on the interaction of donors, NGOs, and recipient governments.
Part of this debate should involve complementing the UN's Millennium Development Goals with a set of "development goals for competitiveness." By incorporating measures of economic innovation and administrative efficiency, countries will be encouraged to build business and to trade their way out of poverty. It would address those indicators that entrepreneurs find to be the main obstacles to running a business: the cost of capital, electricity, transportation, telecommunications, taxes, labor and corruption.
Finally, to make this happen, African governments need to sell the necessary reforms - to sell capitalism - at home. Citizens must understand that Africa's competitive edge will not come from short-term price movements in resources and people. Productivity will result from well-governed businesses, educated citizens and leaders willing to take the tough steps to make this happen.
Effective use of aid can support African reforms, but it must not be the organizing principle for African development. The key to success will be the extent to which African governments can provide the private sector with the right incentives to add value to the economy, so both business and government can concentrate on what each does best.
By Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Nicky Oppenheimer
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Notion of 'Azadi' and 'Kashmiriyat'
Have Hindus no share of that Kashmiriyat, on the basis of which separatists are demanding an 'independent' state for themselves? Which Kashmiriyat are they talking about—is it 500 or 5,000 years old? That was the time when everyone in Kashmir was a Hindu. The separatists in the valley today, tend to forget, and are even motivated to forget, the fact that they are descendants of Hindu ancestors.
In Kashmir, like in the rest of the country, Hindus and Muslims have the same ancestors, share the same history, the same culture, and the same land. Therefore, nationalism is also the same. If that be so, then, how can ancestors change with change in religion and mode of worship? Can it be construed that wherever Muslims are in majority they will have their separate nationalism and get delinked from India? I assume it to be so. This is the bitter truth about history and it has to be accepted. The history of the world is replete with events illustrating that whenever Muslims are in majority, fundamentalism has raised its head—giving birth to separatist ideas.
According to political pundits and philosophers all over the world, national unity and separatism are two different and completely opposing elements. Paucity in the outlook of nationalism breeds regionalism which gives birth to separatism. A powerful feeling of nationalism is the right weapon for ending separatism. The reason the poison of separatism has spread over many regions in India is due to the lack of a feeling of oneness—of being one nation.
In reality, when India achieved independence, the lawmakers should have framed the constitution on the basis of the nation and its culture. But the thought hardly crossed anyone's mind. The result was that national outlook was eclipsed because educational and economic policies remained divided in many social and political groups. Blind imitation of the western pattern remained the base of our policies. Everything related to British imperialism was considered supreme and we even visualized and understood the nation and nationalism through the eyes of the west.
Deliberately, British historians presented, in a twisted form, our national history, national culture, and national outlook, for their selfish political interest and in becoming victims of their conspiracy we relinquished our ancient glory. The result was that community, region, sect, and language, pushed back nationalism. The problems of not just Kashmir, but also Assam, are its products.
Nationalism cannot be born without understanding national culture. Right from the beginning, India has remained as one nation, one people and one culture. According to Indian philosophy, nation is a cultural unit which can be only developed—not constructed. In the west, however, nation has been merged with the Government which has been considered a political unit. Culture unites people and politics disintegrates them. Therefore, so long as the nation remained linked with culture, this country stayed united; but when western political influence became dominant, it gave birth to the country's disintegration. This is also a misfortune of Kashmir.
As long as the high ideals of nation and national culture remained dominant, religious activities remained linked with the Indian nation. But when religion was brought into politics and the concept of an ethnic state developed, it paved the way for separatism in Kashmir.
The modes of worship born and developed in Kashmir—which include snake worship, Shaivism, Buddhism, and Vaishnavism—never came into conflict with one another because they remained linked with Indian nationalism. Even foreign rulers like Kanishka and Mihir, who belonged to the Kushan and Hun sects respectively, had accepted Buddhism and Shaivism and while Indianising their sect had merged into the Indian national mainstream. The advent of Islam in Kashmir, on the other hand, gave birth to inter-sectarian conflict, religious conversion, and separatism. The reason was clear—because fundamental Islam does not permit its follower to get linked with any country and its national culture. Whenever there is Muslim majority, there should be an Islamic state. Pakistan too, is the result of this opinion. The forcible religious conversion of Hindus in Kashmir and then their mass exodus are the offshoots of this anti-national trend thriving in the valley.
The Muslims in the valley should understand that by joining Pakistan or by remaining independent, they will neither remain safe nor can they protect their idea of Kashmiriyat. Their Islamic principles too will remain safe in the Kashmiriyat based on the culture of their ancestors. The amount of religious freedom that exists in Indian culture is found nowhere.
The dream of an independent Kashmir, too, is unrealistic and Pakistan would never tolerate this. It will not give any military or economic aid. What do they have to give? Hitherto, several thousand crores of rupees have been spent on development of Kashmir by India and all this will be stopped with de-accession. Kashmir's tourism industry, economic development, and geographical security, are secure because of India, and not due to Pakistan. Let's not forget that fact.
The only solution, I foresee, to the Kashmir problem is if our Kashmiri Muslim brothers link themselves, like other Indians, with the national mainstream. The Government of India needs to adopt solid steps for resolving the problem after accepting it as a national issue and realization of its earlier mistakes.
But the misfortune of this country is that the politics of vote come in the way of acceptance of mistakes. It is because of this that the history of mistakes and foolishness keeps on repeating itself in this land. There is a need for national consensus on protection of Kashmir which is possible only if all political parties give up their selfish goals. But national consensus is not possible because of paucity of national outlook. When instead of the nation, eyes are fixed on power and vote banks, how can national outlook grow?
Source : M.J. Akbar's Blog -
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Taking health care to rural India brings lesson in life's harsh realities to undergrads
Appalling sights like these greeted a team of UCLA undergraduates during their visit last year to Vadamanappakkam, a southern Indian village about 100 miles from Chennai, one of India's major metropolises.
"I was taken aback by the level of poverty," recalled Amit Jain, a 4th-year neuroscience student of Indian origin who had seen poverty before elsewhere in India. He returned from his second trip to the village this past July. "It's a pretty nasty situation to live in."
But that's precisely why Jain and his teammates were there. They had traveled to India as volunteers for Project RISHI (Rural India Social and Health Improvement), a nonprofit organization committed to developing and transforming the poorest of Indian villages into progressive and modern communities. The mission is aptly summed up in RISHI's motto and prominently displayed on its Web site — "Bringing healthcare where it is needed the most."
Founded in 2005 by Eri Srivatsan, adjunct professor of surgery at UCLA, RISHI is funded mostly by private donations. Several contributors are professors and students on campus who also serve on the organization's board of advisors and trustees.
Vadamanappakkam is RISHI's first undertaking, partly because Srivatsan was born there, but also because the village is near the city of Vellore, where one of India's most famous hospitals, the Christian Medical College, is located. Doctors at the college provide RISHI valuable advice on how to address health issues in the village, most of whose inhabitants are peasants or weavers.
Because children are the worst victims of Vadamanappakkam's underdevelopment, RISHI began its work in 2005 by building a four-foot-tall concrete wall around the village's only school playground, at a cost of $10,000. (The recreational area, meant for the village school's 1,000 students, was unprotected and had become vulnerable to both trespassers and grazing animals.)
Recently, RISHI finished building a full-fledged medical clinic, run by a local doctor, that has one of the village's few — if not only — bathroom facilities. Last year, Srivatsan led a team of 10 UCLA undergraduates who examined villagers for ailments. Communicable diseases are rife in the village, especially during the monsoons.
However, "for the most part, these people suffer from excessive physical fatigue," Jain said. And although nearly all of the village's roughly 15,000 residents are poor, Jain and his teammates were surprised to discover that meager incomes weren't their most common complaint. Instead, their major grievance, underlying all others, was an acute shortage of water for drinking and sanitation.
Even the village's public bathrooms lack running water. And although there are plenty of hand pumps, the groundwater they deliver is undrinkable. As a result, the villagers rely on municipal tap water for drinking — never mind that it's about four times more polluted than what's acceptable in the United States.
What's more, villagers get just 30 minutes of tap water, and only every other day. "They have to be ready with buckets to fill up water that must last two days," Jain said, adding that fights over water are a common and distressing occurrence.
RISHI is talking to a range of international experts to determine the best way to tackle the village's most pressing health problem. But providing water is a complex issue. "If we increase the supply, there's a danger that the groundwater will get gradually depleted," Jain explained. "If we provide purified water, the villagers could lose the immunity they have to local water and would fall sick if they drink water outside their village."
A team of about a dozen UCLA undergraduates is currently in the village, conducting socioeconomic surveys and increasing their awareness about health issues. The students, in turn, are learning a lot from their experiences.
"It's a very interesting time for us — I've gained a new perspective as a student, a future doctor and a human being," said Jain. "I wouldn't trade it for anything."
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dictatorial and Illegal refusal of IDBI Bank to solve complaints
Cell(CCCell), Marol, Mumbai I had submitted various complaints of the
Banks' small account holders of Marol branch; viz; for increasing
paperwork, deposits in triplicate pay in slips, asking elaborate
personal details for each deposit, frequent account no changes
converting the existing 4/5 digit numbers to 16/15/14 digits (all
entries in English), absence of any designated "help
officer/desk" at the branch, coded /non-decipherable entries of
deposits in the pass books, absence of grievance redressal procedure on
the notice board, absence service charge details in transparent
manner etc required by the various circulars-guidelines,
directions issues by the RBI from time to time. as back as in Dec.
2007..Initially, these were submitted to the branch Manager . Since he
was unable to redress or reply, these were forwarded to the CDM, IDBI
Bank with a copy to G M- Customer Service , RBI and The All India Bank
Depositors Assciation (Mumbai ) .AIBDA supported the same for suitable
redressal . We received a reply from one Ms. Balwani – Head
customer services at the central office of IDBI replied in complete
denial mode, vague assurances and elusive or no justification but
maintaining that the Bank is following all the guidelines issued by the
As the complaints/grievances could not be redressed, the issues were
escalated by us , by the Customer Service Head- R BI and AIBDA to the
Department of Banking Operations and Develpement (DOBOD), who in turn
also referred the matter to The Banking Ombudsman –RBI with copies
marked to CMD IDBI Bank. While the Banking Ombudsman, remained silent
and unresponsive, a protracted correspondence from me and the denial
mode replies of the CS- IDBI followed . While the Dy. GM DOBOD denied
that there were no such guidelines issued by RBI to under which the
Bank was following such practices causing immense inconvenience to the
small account holders, the Ombudsman still kept stoic silence.
Thereafter IDBI CS head,asked for specific cases/proof of any such
"anti customer" practices with individual account numbers etc.
Two specific customer complaints, one about the delay in renewal of
existing FD and asking for an elaborate form to be filled in again
as an harassment tactic,and other of "Intelligible entries in the
pass book, with proof of Xerox copies were then furnished to them, with
copies to all RBI authorities.
On receipt of the same, Dy GM DOBOD RBI wrote a letter to the CMD,
IDBI Bank on June 24, 08 pointing out the specific directive
instructions of RBI to all banks, concerning two vital areas amongst
others,viz: "….To avoid inscrutable entries in pass books and to
ensure that brief intelligible particulars are invariably entered in
pass books/statements of account".
Second vital area was pointing out a recent circular which
"….advised banks to ensure that a suitable mechanism exists for
receiving and addressing complaints from customers/constituents with
specific emphasis on resolving such complaints fairly and expeditiously
regardless of the source of ghe complaints.". Lastly, the DY G M
RBI wrote " Keeping in view the above instructions, we request you
to suitably redress the grievances of the Consumer Complaints Cell,
Instead of the CMD to whom this "Compliance" letter was sent,
the same IDBI Head C CC, sent a reply, which I/We received on 17 th
July. It was as usual ,vague, evasive and in denial mode. Here are
excerpts of some interestingly specified replies , "…the bank
has taken up the matter with concerned department and ensure that the
system gives intelligible details to the customers" (This accepts
as if the IDBI systems department is not under IDBI CMD ) "…
that the bank has a robust redressal mechanism and customer grievance
redressal policy is also in place". But what outraised us was the
statement dished out by the said CC Head , relevant portions of
which are :
" In respect of these two mentioned cases we do not find they have
been referred to the Branch" This was a white lie. But the
subsequent statement even challenged the bonafieds of this Consumer
Complaints Cell by asking "… whether it is registered (where?) and
registration number of the same. Pl. also confirm if the customers
(Above two?) have authorized you to take up their complaints with the
bank and the relevant authority letters"
On 28 th July, I as the chairperson of CCCell, wrote back to CMD IDBI
. I put the relevant portion in brief .That the referred grievances
were not taken up with the Branch level officers was a white lie. The
undersigned ( My self) had personally met an officer and the branch
Head asking for specific clarification in the above referred
complaints and specific cases; and that the officers had expressed
their inability to help and explain the queries or redress the
grievances. Then I also mentioned the names of specific officer and the
branch head to whom approaches were made. As for the registration of an
voluntary organisation working absolutely free and without any
obligation of membership,for the people, there is no specific
requirement of registration under any law. Yes, I /we have taken
AUTHORIZATION LETTERS from the bank customers to take up their
grievances /problems with the bank and Xerox copies of such letters
were enclosed for bank record. Further that the undersigned is well
known in the bank as well as the people of Mumbai as a Consumer
Activist and the present /past bank officers have redressed grievances
put forth by me/us in the past.. that so far the bank branch has not
made any efforts to redress the complained grievances ,by explaining
queries or rectifying the systems. CMD was specifically requested to
do the needful and also take appropriate disciplinery action against
those defaulting officers of the branch who are named to whom the
approach was made .The copies (with enclosures) were marked to all the
concerned RBI officials ; with a request that if the bank still fails
to solve/redress the customer grievances /problems; then the
regulating authority/Ombudsman must initiate an enquiry to ascertain
the veracity of the above unsolved customer grievances/complaints for
which myself/CCCell are ready for scrutiny.
While we are still waiting for the reply of RBI authorities, I/we have
received a reply dt.Aug. 12, from the IDBI CC head ,against whom an
action for shielding the negligent officers was asked for, replied to
us that since CCCell is not registered , complaints of customers
taken by it, can not be redressed and that I/can direct the customers
who are having any grievance against the bank, may approach the bank
directly for redressal .In other words the bank will not redress the
grievances even if I am or CCCell is authorized by customers. This
amounts to denial of a fundamental right of consumers to authorize
some one to represent them. Even the consumer Courts have recognized
such a right of a consumer in the consumer Protection Act. Even the
instruction letter of Dy GM DBOD RBI says that the bank should redress
the customer grievance regardless of the source from whom it is
received. But the bank is stoically refusing to recognise this
fundamental right now just sitting on a false prestige of not
bruising the egos of defaulting officers. The top management must not
allow this happen I am also an account holder of this branch and as per
this ruling, as an individual account holder I can get the redressal of
these grievances for my self. But I am not doing that as I am concerned
for bank customers at large who are suffering and has to fight for all.
While I /We are taking this up with regulatory authorities, AIBDA,
Ombudsman etc. for instituting an investigation in the entire matter
and remedies available under RTI will also be pursued; I call upon all
the karmayogis, people for social Cause, SS Global members , NGOs and
all others who agree with the cause , I/Cell is fighting as a matter of
principle and right, to also voice their opinion and support so that a
cumulative moral pressure is built up for the DICTATOR BANK. You may
voice your opinion on the bank website
Chairman & Managing Director—IDBI Bank Ltd.
IDBI Tower, WTC complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400005
OR the G M Customer service Department, 1 st flr. Amar bldg. Sir P>M
Mumbai 1 OR the G M _ Department of Banking Operations and
Development ,Central Office RBI ,WTC complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai
But please, also ensure that you mark a copy of your opinion/support to
us on our emailed:
Mohan Siroya
Chairperson—Consumer Complaints Cell
yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Important NGO and Organisation working for Senior Citizens in Mumbai / Maharashtra
Mr.John Thattil / Ms. Neraja Bhatnagar
Guruchhaya Society
Manish Nagar
Andheri (West)),
Maharashtra 400058
Tel : 26370754 / 26370740
Website :
Silver Inning Foundation
Correspondence Address Only:
Bldg: C/22
Flat: 303,
Mira Road East,
Pin 401 107
Sailesh Mishra - Founder President
Mobile: 9819819145 / 9987104233
Email: /
Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders Society of India
BMC School Bldg
(II/room 127),
JJ Hospital Complex,
Tel: 23742479
Hon Secretary : Prof Parul - 9892123773
Email: /
Website :
The Family Welfare Agency
Ms Swati Ingole
Urban Health Center (Chotta Sion Hospital)
Room No - 302,
3rd Floor,
60 Feet Rd,
Shahu Nagar
Mumbai - 400017
Tel : 24015150 / 9833406288 ;
Mr.Hiren Mehta
Maker Chambers IV
Fourth Floor
222, Nariman Point
Maharashtra 400021
Office- 22785400 / 9323551650
Fax- 2-285-2217
Website :
Dignity Foundation
BMC School Building,
Topiwala Lane,
Opp. Lamington Road Police Station,
Mumbai 400 007.
Telephone: 23898079 / 23841845 / 23814356
Fax: 23898082
Shree Manav Seva Sangh
opp M.G.Market,
Sion road,
Sion West,
Tel: 2409 2266 / 24081487/ 2407 1553
Ms.Vinita / Mr.Kamdar
21, Chandravijay
Lokmanya Tilak Road
Mulund (East),
Mumbai - 400 081
Mr.Viajy Aundhe - 24050075
AISCCON (All India Senior Citizens Confederation)
Dr. S.P. Kinjawadekar
B/8/602, Kaveri Safal Complex,
Sec. - 19/A, Nerul,
New Mumbai.
Tel : 9820639773 / 2771 4240/41
The Chairperson / Programme Co-ordinator
Centre for Lifelong Learning
P.O. Box 8313 ,
Mumbai 400 088.
Tel : 2556 3289-96, Extn. 5252,/ 5680/5681/5682 or 25225252 (Direct)
College Of Social Work Nirmala Niketan
38, New Marine Lines
Mumbai – 400 020,
Tel : +91 22 2200 2615 / 22067345
The International Longevity Centre- India(ILC-I)
CASP Bhavan
132/2, Plot # 3,
Pashan-Baner Link Road,
Pune 411 021
Tel : 91 (20)-65002595
Email :
Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA)
“YASHADA” Raj Bhavan Complex
Baner Road,
Pune – 411007
Tel – 020 – 25608000 / 25608142 Fax – 020 - 25608100
E-mail :
Website :
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Need of Geriatric Medicine for Medical Teaching
A document by World Health Organization and International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)
Geriatric Medicine: basic contents for Undergraduate Medical Teaching
Throughout the 21st century health professionals will increasingly be required to be familiar with old age care whatever the specialty they choose
1. Understand the biology of ageing and its relationship to the clinical manifestations of diseases in older individuals. Older patients manifest signs and symptoms of disease because they are sick, not because they are old.
2. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of physiology of ageing to understand concepts such as frailty and loss of functional capacity.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the demography of ageing.
4. Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of pharmacology in order to understand basic principles of prescribing for older people, with special attention to adverse effects and iatrogenic disease. This includes not only knowing what to prescribe but also when drugs should be withdrawn, and the risks of polypharmacy.
5. Recognize the role of psychosocial risk factors, such as living alone, economic hardship and lack of social support, in the causation and experience of disease.
6. Recognize the importance of providing support to family caregivers who, themselves, may be old and in poor health.
7. Recognize prevention and rehabilitation as the main goals of Geriatric Medicine.
8. Understand that the optimisation of health in frail older people or those with disabilities requires multi-dimensional evaluation and multidisciplinary approaches for the attainment of better outcomes.
9. Consider a problem-oriented approach as the most appropriate in the care of older people.
10. Embrace a holistic perspective, understanding that older persons have a rich history behind them and embrace life-course events as the root of many of their current ill-health conditions.
11. Understand that a life course perspective also implies that today's children and younger adults are tomorrow's older people and that their health in older age depends on how they live.
12. Be familiar with the management of the great geriatric syndromes - such as falls, incontinence and cognitive impairment - as well as with conditions highly prevalent such as depression and the subtle presentation of disease in old patients.
13. Demonstrate positive attitudes to ageing, speaking out against negative stereotypes.
14. Recognize the distinct aspects of abuse against older person.
15. Recognize ethical issues including end of life care.
Silver Inning Foundation recommends this to Indian Government,all State Government and Indian Medical Association.
Hope some one will take a note of above and take appropriate action and have Geriatric Medicine in our Medical studies.
Lets get ready to take care of our fast growing Elderly population.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Silver Innings Newsletter August 2008
-- Michael Pritchard
Dear Friends,
It's our pleasure to bring to you the update of your website Silver Innings. Below are new articles recently posted on various sections in August 2008, to read more you need to visit particular menu on the website .Hope you enjoy this and send us your feedback at . Sorry for delay in posting this News letter.
We also invite articles of interest, inspiring short stories, jokes, reviews, etc. Please note publication is sole decision of web master and as per rules laid down by Silver Innings.
Mansukhlal .V. Ruparelia – ''Retired'' but "Not Tired"
Age and security
MDGs must target poorest say older people
Facing the challenge of an ageing population in India: Read an Article by Hendi Lingiah
Facts and Issues
Equal treatment, equal rights
Guidebook for developing and supporting older persons' organisations
Health/ Fitness
Ageing and Disability
Eight Steps to Prevent Osteoporosis
Memory Loss with Aging: What's Normal, What's Not
Dementia & Alzheimer's
Diverse Approaches to Alzheimer's Therapies
Dementia Information Booklet: Read in Hind
Elders Reveal Keys to Healthy Aging
Poor Memory Tied to Sleep Woes in Aging Women
Access to pain relief – A Human Right
Milestone Medical Tests in your 50s
Elder Law
Social security in developing nations and the role of the state
Other Laws
The Paramedical and Physiotherapy Central Councils Bill, 2007
Women Reservation Bill 2008
Salient features of 2007 housing policy
Parents and Grandparents
End of lifestyle
Supporting Friends and Family Who Have Mental Illnesses
Ten Reasons Why Your Parent May Not Be Eating Properly
The ABCs of Grand parenting
When elders get depressed: it's not just "old age"
Grandparents and Grandchildren's
The Golden Age of Sex
Hobbies and Activities
Amusement: Book
The Alzheimer's Action Plan: The Experts' Guide to the Best Diagnosis and Treatment for Memory Problems
News and Event
Vedic Way of Life By M.V.Ruparelia
Elderly population boom, AIDS death slowdown by 2050: UN
What can Senior Citizens do for the Society: By M.V.Ruparelia
Why are we, as we are? : By M.V.Ruparelia
Profile of an Indian MP
To guard public health in emergency, Centre plans to change the law
Designs for all – July 2008 Newsletter
Meals for Elderly Summer 2008 Newsletter
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Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Colours of Hope- Invitation for Fund Raising Event for Alzheimer''s Society India
An Fund Raising event of (ARDSI) Alzheimer's Related Disorder Society of India,Kolkatta chapter on occassion of World Alzheimer's Day 21st Sep 2008.
Event Date:Thu 28th Sep to Sat 30th Sep
Time: 10am to 6.30pm
Weavers Studio
Anil Moitra Road,
Tel : 24008926
Nilanjana Maulik
ARDSI, Kolkatta
ARDSI National Office,
P.B. NO. 53,
Guruvayoor Road,
Kunnamkulam - 680 503,
Thrissur Dist, Kerala, India.
Tel.04885 223801
Fax: 04885-224817
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I don't need a pension, I can work: 100-year-old
Das is poor but he says he says he needs no help from the government and is strong enough to earn his bread and butter.
'The government should help the disabled, those in distress and the weaker sections of the society but not able persons,' says Das.
The resident of Salijanga village in Jagatsinghpur district gets up at five each morning. After a breakfast of milk and muri (puffed rice), Das goes to the fields located over two km from the village to cut grass, feed cows and pluck betel leaves, villagers said.
He feeds his cattle himself. He also often involves himself in farming, said the villagers.
Das's eyesight is perfect. 'I have never used spectacles,' he told IANS.
'He has not suffered from any major disease and lives a healthy life,' said his daughter-in-law Lata.
The old man recites folk songs and often participates in village programmes.
Das has two sons and two daughters, all married. His wife Labani is 90. She is bedridden with paralysis.
'I am fit because I used to drink milk, and eat other milk products including ghee,' says Das.
Social activist Santosh Sahoo of neighbouring Balansa village said Das is an inspiration to people of the region.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Location: Sirsi, Karnataka and Delhi
Earthwatch Institute is an international non-profit environmental organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the Earth's future. Earthwatch Institute is seeking to hire a Field Director to deliver an exciting new Field Research and Education Program, in partnership with HSBC Bank and several international NGOs.
This global 5-year funded program aims to reduce the impacts of Climate Change on people and their livelihoods, by promoting action in some of the world’s major cities, river basins and ecosystems. Under this program, the Earthwatch Institute is establishing Regional Climate Centers in the following countries: UK, USA, Brazil, India and China. These centers will provide the base for the research program, which aims to engage HSBC employees and communities surrounding the centers in understanding and acting on climate change.
Position Purpose:
The Field Director India will be responsible for the following:
· The Field Director will deliver the HSBC Climate Partnership program at the India Regional Climate Center, overseeing the research and education program to achieve the agreed key performance indicators and to ensure that the program achieves an ongoing environmental, economic and social legacy within the climate center landscape.
· S/he will be a strategic member of Earthwatch India and work closely with the Country Director to develop the profile/ programs of the organization in India.
· The incumbent would be expected to have sharp networking skills and an interest in ecology and environmental science.
· The Field Director would be responsible for building a team, conceptualising the program and implement and monitor the same alongside.
· The Field Director would be responsible for the planning, organising, directing, controlling and monitoring of operations & implementation of all projects.
· The Field Director would be responsible for managing a team and delivering a program of climate change research and field-based learning at the India Regional Climate Center ensuring that Earthwatch standards for health, safety & volunteer management in the field are met at the Field Center and ensuring the effective implementation as well as collaborate with the research team for reporting of results and successful delivery of the research program through teams of employee fellows.
· Develop and manage relationships with local education and conservation NGO’s, with local public and business communities, and with local government and stakeholder teams in order to maximize the impacts of the program.
· Liaise with other Earthwatch Field Directors to share best practice and learning across all field centers and to input into shared systems and research monitoring processes for all climate change research projects.
· Line Manage two field centers, the Climate Center budgets and activities and maintain the partnership between Earthwatch and the field research partners.
· Manage fiscal and administrative reporting duties including reports on climate change outcomes and impacts of activities against agreed key performance indicators.
· Manage the local communications program and be the central point of communication to the Earthwatch office for the Field Center.
· To oversee and coordinate the Field Center and training and development of Center Staff.
For the position of FIELD DIRECTOR, we are looking for individuals with:
Ph.D in Science (preferably environment or forest ecology) or equivalent experience.
Strong background in environmental action research (preferably in forest ecology), with at-least 12-15 years of experience in strategic project planning, management & implementation.
Skills in project operations management - which involves strategy, financial management, human resources management, information management and oversight.
Skills in building & sustaining partnerships with multiple stakeholders - government, donors, project partners.
Strong written & verbal communication skills.
Strong familiarity with the region and with environmental issues within the Western Ghats Area.
Knowledge of Kannada.
Third Sector Partners, a leading CxO and board search firm in the Not for Profit sector has been retained by EARTHWATCH to recruit this position. Interested candidates can send in their CVs with a cover note and 3 references to
Contact : and or Contact us at: +91 22 6660 3558/6660 3559.
Only short listed candidates would be contacted.
Thanks and regards,
Divya Babbar
Associate Knowledge Manager
Third Sector Partners-India
Tel:+91 22 6660 3558/59
CxO and Board Searches for the Social Sector
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Nobel laureate unveils loan for poor Indian heart patients
As the first of its kind bank product for heart care in the country, state-run SBI will offer loan up to Rs.50,000 at 8.5 percent interest rate per annum to poor patients needing urgent cardiac intervention at Narayana hospital Bangalore initially.
'The SBI Hrudaya Suraksha scheme is being launched as a pilot project to evaluate the concept of offering loan on easy interest terms for those below poverty line - earning less than $2 a day - who need urgent cardiac intervention,' SBI chairman and managing director O.P. Bhat said on the occasion.
Terming the heart care loan scheme as revolutionary, Bhat said it was ironical that while bank loans were available for building a house, buying a car or even a fridge, there was no such loan offered to save a life.
'Once the concept is evolved from the pilot project, the loan scheme will be offered from our health cities in Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jamshedpur and Kolkata. The game plan is to build a financial security network for poorer sections of society, who do not have enough money at hand for medical eventualities,' said Bhat.
Narayana Hrudayalaya founder Devi Shetty said the loan amount (Rs.50,000) would meet about 80 percent of the total cost (Rs.65,000) for a heart surgery of poor cardiac patients to be identified and subsidised by the hospital.
The average cost of a heart surgery at Shetty's health cities is about Rs.100,000.
'The hospital will bear the interest amount for the first three months after the surgery. The loan has to be fully repaid with interest due in six months of treatment. Though no collateral security is required, the loan is sanctioned in joint names with the patient and his/her spouse or kin as co-borrower,' said Shetty.
In case of children, the loan facility can be availed by parents.
He said only 80,000 heart surgeries were done in India per year as against the staggering requirement of 2.5 million.
'Around eight percent of total cardiac patients can afford a heart surgery even at a conservative rate of Rs.100,000, while the remaining 92 percent have to be taken care of through bank loans or health insurance,' Shetty said.
Incidentally, Indians are genetically three times more vulnerable to heart attack than their counterparts in the West. More over, the average age of an Indian patient is 45 years as against 65 in Britain.
'Strange as it may sound, in India it is not a young son who takes his father for a heart surgery but the other way around. There is an urgent need to create a network to offer healthcare at an affordable price and help the needy to raise funds for the heart operation,' Shetty added.
Lauding SBI and Shetty for jointly launching such a unique product, Yunis hoped Narayana Hrudayalaya would launch a similar scheme in Bangladesh in association with Grameen Bank.
'Banks have lot of power to bring about a sea-change in everyone's life. Their services can be extended beyond business and commercial activity to various facets of life such as health insurance,' Yunis noted.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
E-Charkha brings light to villages

In a few villages near here, Charkha, promoted by Mahatma Gandhi as a symbol of self-reliance and source of income for the rural population, has started doubling as a virtual micro-power plant in each poor household.
e-charkha — an improvised version of Ambar charkha, designed by Gandhian Ekambar Nath — does not resemble a typical charkha but can be operated by hand. A battery is attached to the e-charkha, which stores the electricity generated when it is being run. Two hours of operation is enough to light up the specially-designed LED light fitted to the e-charkha for eight hours.
Inhabitants of Jatwara village are fighting the dismal power situation with e-charkhas in addition to making a subsistence level income from spinning the yarn. Jatwara has 75 Ambar charkhas in operation. In Bassi, a tehsil of Jaipur, which has a long tradition of khadi, there are 350 of them working along a few thousands of traditional charkhas.
“The modified Ambar charkhas were introduced a few months ago as a pilot project by the Khadi Commission under the ‘SFURTI’ programme and they are proving very popular with the villagers,” said Laxmi Chand Bhandari, Secretary of the Khadi Gramodyog Sadhan Vikas Samiti, a 40-year old Sarvodaya organisation that looks after the Bassi cluster.
“There is great demand for khadi products and we could have provided more Ambar charkhas to the villagers but getting weavers is a problem these days,” Mr. Bhandari said. Each modified charka costs Rs.8,500 while the attachment, which enables to produce electricity, requires an investment of another Rs.1,500.
As per the concept of ‘SFURTI’ (Scheme of Funds for Regeneration of Traditional Industries), the e-charkhas have been provided on 75 p.c. grant.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Celebration of "Active Patriotism" on India Independence Day:15th August

Dear fellow activists and fellow citizens,
This 15th August, let us joyously re-dedicate ourselves to our nation with Active Patriotism.
Through the use of RTI Act 2005 and activism, ordinary citizens like us can individually do something for India's betterment by monitoring the government and administration. This is "Active Patriotism".
Come, join us on this Independence day to celebrate and re-dedicate ourselves to using RTI to bring our Swaraj. We are now empowered Citizens, so let us celebrate.
On Friday, 15th August, we meet at 5 pm at Marine Drive sea face- opposite Charni Road railway station to celebrate. Do bring banners and placards with your own slogans and messages. Come and sing your songs so that we all celebrate our RTI and Independence together. Let us have balloons, and ribbons. We shall of course have our tricolour to inspire us. We shall also have a street play, inspiring music and 3-minute pep-talks (success stories) to enthuse onlookers and passersby in seeking information and public accountability through the RTI Act.
Bring along your guitars, mouth organs and lots of friends.
Jai Hind!
This event is supported by:
AGNI, BCAS Foundation, Citispace, F North Ward Citizens' Federation, Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan, Giants International, H West Ward Federation, Janhit Manch, Mahiti Adhikar Manch, Nagar, Public Concern for Governance Trust, Sahasi Padyatri
Shailesh Gandhi
Issued in Public Interest by Silver Inning Foundation
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An initiative by Silver Inning Foundation in association with Ramnarain Ruia College
With decline in fertility and mortality rates accompanied by an improvement in child survival and better health care and increased life expectancy, a significant feature of demographic change is the progressive increase in the number of elderly persons in
According to census 2001 population of people above age 60 years and above was 7.5% of Total population. According to UN by 2050, nearly 20% of
Department of Psychology at
- To prepare trained cadre of people to work with Elderly and to provide support system for their families
- To learn about basic skills, knowledge and attitudes for working with elderly
- To strengthen intergenerational relations through knowledge and understanding
- To Improve Quality of Life of Elderly
Methodology: Theory and Field visits
Duration: 4 months
Days: 2 days a week
Time: Evening Batch
Eligibility: Minimum H.S.C / X11
Total course Fees: Rs.4000/-
Tentative date of start: Monday 1st September 2008
Venue of Course:
Department of Psychology
3rd Floor
Mumbai 400 019,
Hurry and apply soon only 30 seats.
Prof. Sangeeta Rao (Clinical Psychologist) -HOD Department of
Amruta Lovekar - Director Programme and Services, Silver Inning Foundation
Email :
Silver Innings:
Help Desk: 9987104233
Forms Available:
Monday to Friday – 10am to 12 noon
Department of Psychology
The Ramnarain Ruia College of Arts & Science was established in June 1937.This College is affiliated to
About Silver Innings Foundation
Silver Inning Foundation is NGO registered under Society Registration Act of 1860 vide registration number 1300/2008/GBBSD dated 14/07/2008.
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Silver Inning Foundation a Registered ''Not for Profit'' for Senior Citizens
We are pleased to inform you that after the success of Silver Innings website ,we have gone on next level in our passion to serve Elderly - the most neglected and ignored segment.
Silver Inning Foundation is now an NGO- A Dedicated Organisation for Senior Citizens and their Family members, registered under Society Registration Act of 1860 vide registration number 1300/2008/GBBSD dated 14/07/2008.
Silver Inning Foundation : Vision,Mission and Objective
Vision: Our vision is of an elder friendly world in which ageing becomes a positive, rewarding experience.
Mission: To uphold and secure the rights of elderly and actively work towards improving their quality of life by networking, advocating and researching elderly issues and providing a wide range of services according to their needs.
Objectives – The Ten Commandments:
- To work for people above 50 years of age and their family members and to provide for their basic needs viz. home, food and shelter, medical, financial, psycho-social needs.
- To sensitise and support community, society, people towards elderly issues.
- To promote Research and Development on issues related to elderly and ageing.
- To provide wide range of innovative, good quality services for elderly based on their changing needs and to utilize their experience, knowledge and skills for the betterment of themselves and society.
- To provide new services like care management and hospice for elderly and to actively work towards education and training of professionals and para-professionals in Gerontology, Geriatrics and Geriatric Care Management
- To promote adult education, vocational / professional training, hobbies and activities and Life Long Learning and to empower the elderly to run their own organisations and help themselves.
- To fight against ageism and promote equality and human rights for the elderly and bring elderly in mainstream of society.
- To provide and promote home-based and institutional services for elderly and the concept of Successful ageing.
- To initiate innovative intergenerational programs involving youth and elderly.
- To act as a pressure group and advocate for elderly issues with Indian Government and governments of other countries and to network with international organisations working for the elderly and also with corporate sector for bringing the issues of elderly in the forefront.
Silver Innings, A new beginning ………………………….
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Vacancy in Child Right NGO in Mumbai
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Eco-friendly cookbook Launched in INDIA
The Teri Press, the publishing arm of TERI, in collaboration with the The Park Hotel in the capital, Friday released 'The Original Organic Cookbook: Recipes for Healthy Living'.
The book has been authored by executive chef Kuntal Kumar of the Hilton Hotel at Shillim, a two-hour drive from Mumbai.
The book was released by TERI director-general and head of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) R.K. Pachauri, and former member of the Indian cricket team Ajay Jadeja. Maxine Olson, the resident representative of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), was also present on the occasion.
TERI has been campaigning for organic food for over a decade since it set up its first agricultural testing field on seven hectares of land at Supi, 10 km from Mukteshwar, in Uttarakhand in 2002.
Over the past six years, the institute has involved local communities in cultivating crops and herbs the natural or the organic way to create sustainable livelihoods. The book is an extension of the project.
Explaining the importance of the book, Pachauri said an efficient home is one which is energy sensitive in design.
'Such homes must also have intelligent kitchens where the food cooked should also protect the ecology. We have to start the process of conservation with what we put in our mouths. So, it was important for a member of the TERI family to get a product like this on print,' Pachauri said.
The environmentalist stressed the need for a radical change in lifestyles. 'We have gone overboard in using pesticides. And we have to start promoting organic food in a big way to neutralise its effect,' he said.
Pachauri hoped that the book would not only influence people in India, but also encourage people abroad to eat more organic food.
The volume, priced at Rs.595, is divided into eight chapters that offer a comprehensive spread of international and Indian recipes. They are simple and easy to cook with organic ingredients. It begins with a chapter on juices followed by sauces, spreads, pickles, appetisers, soups, main courses and desserts.
The artfully designed volume in a pleasing shade of green ends with two glossaries - one on the cooking terms and the other on the organic herbs used in the dishes.
'I tried to make the book reader-friendly with cross-references. I have tried to describe each herb and the processes involved to pack it with maximum information even for the lay cook. It was easy to edit because the book had real substance. The recipes were good and well-sorted and hence the process of polishing it to a finesse was easy, unlike many other cook books,' editor Nasima Aziz told IANS.
Kuntal Kumar described it as a celebration of the organic lifestyle. It is a challenge to commercialise organic food, he said.
'Only 14,000 tonnes of the two million tonnes of food grown annually is organic,' he added.
It is always difficult to have a running organic food section in hotel menus since farmers cannot ensure adequate supply, chef Baksheesh Din of The Park said.
Kuntal Kumar offered live demonstrations of two organic recipes in a makeshift interactive kitchen - a simple snack of stir fried bean sprout salad with sauteed garlic and herbs followed by a complete meal of hot and sour mushroom soup with bean curd or organic tofu.
'I want to dispel the notion that organic food is only vegetarian,' the diminutive chef told IANS. 'You have organic chicken, which grows naturally, and all kinds of marine food are organic. You can't put pesticides or medicines in sea water,' he said.
Listing the array of organic non-vegetarian food available, Kuntal Kumar said deer and even poultry birds like quail could be reared organically.
The three traits that set organic food apart from its modified and medicated cousin are freshness of taste, subdued colouring in case of vegetables and better nutritional value, the chef said.
Citing a rough estimate of the positive impact that organic food can have on the environment, Kuntal Kumar said latest data showed that if all the farmers in the world took to organic farming, the earth would be able to reduce carbon emissions by 21 percent.
Source :
Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.