Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

Monday, November 5, 2007

Do older couple make better Parents ?

There are many reasons why couples are having babies later in life. They are redefining the boundaries of age and reshaping the profile of parenthood and family life. Why are couples waiting so late in life to have babies ? One big reason is careers.

There are definite advantages to being mid life parents. If career issues are ironed out, children are less of a threat. Parents feel like they have time for both their career and a family. At this time parents are also more financially stable since they probably own property or a house. This is one less financial burden. This also means that they can probably better afford quality child care.

Older parents are more patient, calm, and better able to go with the flow than they were when they were younger. The farther away from childhood that you are, the easier it is to understand children. Many parents feel that if they had become parents in their 20s, they were still too much a child themselves to be a good parent. They've reached a new level of maturity during the middle ages. They don't worry so much about their children's position on the developmental scale. They realize now children don't have to be perfect or to fulfill their parents' ambitions. The children are freer just to be individuals and grow up in loving, supportive atmospheres.

Being a mid-life parent does affect some aspects of parenting. It can make you feel isolated among parents who are much younger than you are. This often happens at school events and even during childbirth classes. It can also bring out varying personality traits from perfect strangers who so rudely ask, "Are you are the parent or the grandparent?"

Bending and squatting isn't as easy as it was when you were younger, but parents today are very health conscious, and exercise is often a part of the daily routine. And you've heard parents say they get tired so easily - but what parent doesn't? No one likes to have his/her sleep interrupted i n the middle of the night.

You may also worry about how your children will feel about having older parents and how old you'll be when they graduate from high school. You may also worry about having enough energy to play soccer at age 50.

Even though middle aged parenthood poses many doubts a survey proves that older couple tend to be more involved parents. Older parents have more time to spend with their children. They realize what a precious gift they have been given and want to make the most of it.

By Chandrashekhar .R
Source :

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