Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

Monday, March 24, 2008

Muslim women to write to President for implementing Sachar report

Accusing the government of "doing nothing" to improve the situation of muslims, women of the community have decided to write directly to the president on speedy implementation of the recommendations of Sachar committee's report on Muslim welfare.

Around 150 Muslim women from across India recently gathered at a two-day National consultation to discuss ways to speed up the pace of implementation of the recommendations in the Sachar committee report, almost one-and-a-half years after it was presented to the Prime Minister.

The conference was organised by Bhartiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA), Indian social institute and Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs).

During the consultation, it was decided that each state will work on sending at least one postcard from each Muslim family to the president of India urging turning of Sachar committee recommendations into reality. "Despite revelations by Sachar committee that Muslims are ranked lowest, nothing much has been done to improve their status. And women are the worst sufferers," participants alleged.

"To press our demands for entitlements and showing the impact of their denial, organisations working for the women would run postcard campaign," they said.

Some 30 organisations working for the rights of Muslim women participated in the deliberations.

"Lack of access to education, public institutions, state schemes and jobs for muslims continues unabated even after a year-and-a-half since the revelations by the Sachar committee showed that muslims are ranked lowest even among the most marginalised sections in the country," the women said.


Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.

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